Little Colorado River

Around Tuba City - Arizona

Altitude above sea level: Rim Little Colorado River
5154 ft

Entrance fees and opening hours

Our visits: So far 1 visit in November 2009

Little Colorado River Overlook

Description:  The Little Colorado Overlook is located at the eastern end of the Grand Canyon on Navajo Nation land. The Little Colorado joins the Colorado a few miles to the west. Here you will find an overlook into the deep canyon of the Little Colorado. You can do a little walking along the rim but there is not much more to see here than a lookout.

Since the Overlook is located on the territory of the Navajo, there are also a lot of stands here where jewelry and other homemade items are sold.

Our rating: A quite nice deep canyon. Of course, no comparison with the Grand Canyon further west, but we also do not want to be ungrateful because even if you can see the river only very poorly from the vantage point, the canyon is already pretty impressive.
