Note: On dirt roads, road conditions can change constantly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone check the road conditions before each trip. We do not recommend driving on unpaved roads before, during or shortly after rain or snowfall.

Here are the GPX files of our drive to the Trona Pinnacles

Junction off Highway 178:
Latitude 35.681440, Longitude -117.391591

Our visits: So far 1 visit in May 2013

On the way to the Pinnacles
Already from some distance you can see the destination

Trona Pinnacles

Description of how to get there: The drive is via Pinnacle Road. From the junction with Highway 178, the entire road is unpaved. The road is very rocky, so caution is advised. Up to the Pinnacles neither high ground clearance nor four wheel drive was necessary. On the loop between the Pinnacles a little more ground clearance is an advantage. We visited the Pinnacles in May 2013.

Description: The Pinnacles form a bizarre landscape of columns rising from the ground. They are up to 414ft high and have the most different forms and shapes. There are over 500 of the columns, which stand together in different groups. This interesting landscape has been the setting for several movies. For example, Star Trek V and Planet of the Apes were filmed here. For a long time you could also admire film sets here. Unfortunately, these are now dismantled.

Our rating: In any case, a location where you can stop by if you are in the area. The columns suddenly rising from the desert floor already form a very interssanten sight. We liked it very much, also because you are as good as alone here.

On the way to the Pinnacles
View back on the path