Factory Butte

Around Hanksville - Utah

Altitude above sea level: Factory Butte
6303 ft

Note: On dirt roads, road conditions can change constantly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone check the road conditions before each trip. We do not recommend driving on unpaved roads before, during or shortly after rain or snowfall.

Our visits: We have passed Factory Butte many times on our travels through the southwest. Our last visit was in April 2022.

Factory Butte

Description: Factory Butte got its name from early settlers, whom the mountain reminded of a woolen mill in Provo. The prominent mountain, visible from afar, is 6303ft high.
To the east, a very good gravel road leads along Factory Butte. This is a good starting point for exploring the impressive mountain. From the Factory Butte Road there are also junctions to other dirt roads that lead to other attractions in the region (see below).

Our rating: From our first visit, the interestingly shaped, unfolded mountain was always a point of attraction for us. With the different layers of rock, it simply offers a beautiful photo motif and is definitely worth a stop.
In April 2022 we explored the region around Factory Butte in more detail. If you are interested in barren desert landscapes with bizarre stone formations, you will certainly find something interesting here. We liked the area a lot and can recommend a visit. The Factory Butte Road is unpaved throughout, but was in very good condition during our visit. Neither high ground clearance nor AWD was necessary here.

Factory Butte

Factory Butte Arch

Description: A nice little stop along Factory Butte Road is at the Factory Butte Arch. Coordinate: Longitude: 38.395396; Latitude: -110.889701. To reach him, just stop at the road and walk cross-country for about 300ft. 

Our rating: The small arch offers a nice little photo stop. In its vicinity are many other small rock formations that are worth a look. In our opinion it is worth to explore the surroundings more thoroughly.

Factory Butte Arch

Highlights along the Factory Butte Rd that we have visited and described in more detail

Since all locations described here are on dirt roads, it is always important to keep an eye on the road conditions. Before and after precipitation, we strongly advise against driving on any dirt road.