Altitude above sea level: Echo Amphietheater
6598 ft

Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Anual Pass is so to speak the "flat rate" for all Parks managed by the National Park Service. The pass costs a one-time fee of $80 and can be purchased at the entrance to each National Park, National Monument, etc. The pass is valid for 13 months.

Our visits: So far 1 visit in October 2011

Echo Amphitheater

Description: Echo Amphitheater is a natural theater with a great echo in the Carlson National Forest. It's easy to get to because it's right off Highway 84. If you're coming from Abiquiu and heading north, you'll pass right by it.

There are several legends surrounding the theater and the vertical stripes on the rocks. One says that they are blood stripes that came from executed farmers from the area. 

Our rating: For us, this was not the very biggest attraction. But with the legends and the echo, it is so interesting that it is worth a little stop.
