Robbers Roost


Entrance fees and opening hours

Junction off Highway 287:
Latitude 45.392823. Longitude -112.146454
Parking lot: Latitude 45.392183, Longitude -112.147567

Our visits: So far 1 visit in June 2015

Robbers Roost

Description: In 1863, Pete Doly built Robbers Roost as a lodging house for travelers on the route between Virginia City and Bannack. In addition to a meal and lodging, the place offered horses to change for the carriages and wagons. There are, of course, several legends surrounding the place. One of them says that a local gang spied on the travelers here and then robbed the worthwhile targets on the onward journey somewhere in the wilderness.

Our rating: Quite a nice stopover on our way to Yellowstone National Park in June 2015. Certainly no must see, but if you drive by here anyway, you can easily stop for a short while. During our visit all buildings were closed.
