

Prices and opening hours - Cable car

For the GPS: 1197 W Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (station down by the river) - 1215 Grandview Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15211 (station up the hill).

Hard Rock Café: 230 W Station Square Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Our visits: So far 1 visit in October 2008

Smithfield Bridge - view towards downtown

Downtown Pittsburgh

Description: Pittsburgh is the second largest city in Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1758 and is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahelia Rivers, which join here to form the Ohio River. Because of this location, the city developed into the center of the U.S. steel industry. One of the city' s attractions, the funicular railroad Duquesne Incline, is also connected with the industry. The incline was built at the end of the 19th century for the steel workers so that they could get from their homes down to their workplaces on the river.

Our rating: We liked Pittsburgh pretty much, even though we didn't really have much time to explore the city. But what we saw so far definitely inspired us to come back and spend a little more time here.

Smithfield Bridge - view towards Duquesne Incline