Grafton Ghosttown

Around St.George - Utah

Altitude above sea level: Grafton
3723 ft

Note: On dirt roads, road conditions can change constantly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone check the road conditions before each trip. We do not recommend driving on unpaved roads before, during or shortly after rain or snowfall.

Our visits: So far 1 visit in April 2022

Grafton Ghosttown

Description: Counts was founded in 1859. Because of its particular location on the south bank of the Virgin River, the town was regularly hit by heavy flooding. This and the fear of American Indian attacks caused the place to gradually become a ghost town.  In 1944 the last inhabitant left the place. Today Grafton is the most photographed ghost town in the west. You can reach the town' s remaining houses via the small town of Rockville. Here you cross the Virgin River and reach Grafton via a dirt road. The turnoff from Highway 9 is signposted, but the sign is so small that it can easily be overlooked.
Once in Grafton, you park the car at the side of the road. There is no entrance fee to visit the city, you can walk around freely and have a look at everything.

Our rating: Ghosttowns are somehow always interesting for us because they often have exciting stories to tell. Even if Grafton is not particularly large and spectacular, the detour here was still quite nice. Because of the proximity to Zion NP and the easy accessibility, there is usually something going on here. It is not really ghostly and lonely here.

Der Friedhof von Grafton