Beartooth Highway


Altitude above sea level: Beartooth Pass
10945 ft

Our visits: So far 1 visit in June 2017

Viewpoint just before Beartooth Lake

Beartooth Highway

Description: The Beartooth Highway is a high mountain road on the border between Wyoming and Montana. The road crosses the Beartooth Pass at an altitude of 10945ft. Because of the altitude, the road is usually only open between May and October. During our visit in mid-June 2017, the pass had also been opened only a few days before. The highway is 69mi long and connects the two small towns Cooke City (Wyoming) and Red Lodge (Montana).

Our rating: We had a lot of fun driving over the pass. With great weather and still plenty of snow we were provided with many great views and photo motifs. The panorama at the top of the pass is gigantic. Unfortunately, the photos, as so often, can only give a small impression and therefore we recommend everyone to see it for themselves on the spot.

... and can anyone find the Beartooth?

Long Lake
Beartooth Lake